09 Feb Keeping Schools Clean for Kids
This summer, Glide Rite Power Washing had an opportunity to work on a great project for our community; we did a public-school system campus clean up! The only time we can do this is during the summer when the kids are out for school. Schools have multiple projects ongoing during the summer for cleanup projects. This year, Glide Rite got to be part of the cleanup!
We got to work with various contractors on this project to help enhance the appearance and functionality of these public-schools. This included two elementary schools and one middle school. Our job, of course, was campus cleanup. We cleaned all the sidewalks, concrete facades, and exterior building (all brick). It took us about a week to clean each campus.
If you live in Texas, you know how brutal the heat can be during the summer. Due to the heat, we had to be careful about when we worked. To keep our team safe, we worked on each campus from around 6:00 am to about 12:00 pm. This way, we could stay out of the sun during the hottest times and still commit adequate time to each campus. Safety is our top priority on any project!
We previously mentioned that we were working with other contractors on each campus while we were power washing. This meant that we had to coordinate with each of those contractors to make sure we were keeping them safe. Open communication with our client and other contractors is imperative to how we operate at Glide Rite. Plus, we had plenty of teachers and other school staff coming and going, so we had to make sure to keep them safe.
During the cleanup, we had to use a lift to work on the school’s gym. Most gyms are fairly tall, so we had to exercise our safety measures while using the lift. This is another area where our great communication with the other contractors came in. Our team here at Glide Rite knows how to operate safely around lifts, but that doesn’t mean that other people do! We had to communicate with the other contractors about when would be the most opportune time to power wash the outside of the gyms so that we wouldn’t be in their way.
Our main goals for this project were to work safely with the heat and weather challenges, open communication with the other contractors, and getting each campus done in a short window of time to operate as quickly and efficiently as possible. Power washing is far more than it seems; we always have to coordinate with our clients, other people, ensure we and others are safe, and so much more. You may have noticed this in one of our recent posts where we discuss our children’s hospital campus cleanup.
Typically, schools don’t have their campus’s pressure washed every year; they are typically cleaned every two to three years. This was our first time working on this project; we believe the last cleanup was done about three years ago. School cleanups are far more important than people may realize. While it can mainly be a cosmetic thing, a clean school gives kids a reason to be proud of their school.
We need to help children, and their parents/guardians, feel proud of where they go to school. By giving children a campus cleanup, we teach them how to take care of things properly. If a school is dirty, grimy, and gross, then children will think it’s okay to treat their school by the way that it looks. Our hope is that by having a clean, new campus, kids will know that they should take pride and care for their campus too. They can do this by coming to school, throwing their trash away, cleaning up after themselves, and more.
Glide Rite Power Washing is happy to have been able to work on this project for our community and to help our local children. We love being able to clean our Dallas-Fort Worth community so that we can all benefit from a clean environment. If you have a project that you need cleaned, call us for a free estimate! We would be more than happy to help you keep your business, school, hospital, and more clean so that we can all improve our community.